Join Us for NFHack 2024 in San Diego: Nov 6, 2024

It’s been years. Literally.

Let’s do it again!

Call it a hackathon, call it a meet-up, call it a conclave, call it whatever you like, but get there! The only competition is diabetes. Working groups and leads will be determined from the registration list, but in the past, we've talked:

  • Looping in all its flavors

  • Developing new apps and faces for the latest watches and accessory hardware

  • Nightscout Core Updates

  • Whatever strikes your fancy!

We hope you'll join us to flex your mental muscle and explore new ideas for open source solutions to T1 problems. You can follow along via #NFHack24.

The Foundation will provide coffee in the morning as well as lunch, and we’ll pick up the first round afterward at some local place.

Interested? Get signed up for more information below!


To read more about the rules (as much as there are any,) visit this Terms and Conditions document.



Someplace Cool….

Near La Jolla, California.

Want to help out? Sponsor part of the event? Pick up the bar tab that night? Send your engineers to discuss open source options for your devices? Donate here, or drop an e-mail to James. Thanks!