We're Looking for a Few Good People!
WHERE IN THE WORLD WILL WE BE THIS SUMMER? The summer conference season starts soon and the Nightscout Foundation will be representing the multitude of open Source solutions developed by our worldwide developer team. If you are local to one of these conferences and would like to join us in our advocacy of Open Source solutions, leave a comment below indicating which conference.
We will also be LIVE-Streaming where and when we are able. So whether you see us in person or via LIVE-Streaming, this summer will be full of information about the latest tech offerings from our worldwide community, because #WeAreNotWaiting.

DiabetesMine Innovation Summit & D-Data ExChange
"This intimate, invitation-only event is an unprecedented gathering of the various stakeholders involved in creating tools for life with diabetes: informed patient advocates, device designers, pharma marketing and R&D leaders, regulatory experts, clinicians, mobile health experts, web visionaries, experts from venture capital investment and innovation, and more.
Over the past five years, this Summit has helped kick off a new era of collaboration among these groups, and ignite a revolution in the world of designing tools for diabetes — primarily by fostering best practices for keeping the actual users of these solutions (us patients!) central to the process."

Nightscout Foundation Hackathon
On October 26th, the Nightscout Foundation is hosting the open-source T1 community at the Autodesk Gallery from 10 AM to 6PM. It's an all day brainfest to explore Nightscout variations, uploaders, closed loops, new watch developments, data mining and more! We'll bring in lunch around noon, and offer a guided tour of the Autodesk Gallery at 1PM.
We hope you'll join us to flex your mental muscle and explore new ideas for open source solutions to T1 problems. The event is free, but please register so we can get an accurate lunch count. Space IS limited, so register today!

ADA Expo--Minneapolis, MN
The Minneapolis Diabetes EXPO is a FREE event on Saturday, October 15, 2016. The event includes health screenings, cooking demonstrations, product and service exhibitors, as well as leading experts talking about diabetes management, research and prevention. Get the latest information on preventing and managing diabetes and its deadly complications to help keep you and your family healthy. Visit the American Diabetes Association EXPO Minneapolis and Join the Millions® in the fight to Stop Diabetes®. Learn how to live healthy, be active and change the future of diabetes for you and your family.
Once registration is open, pre-register for the EXPO and be able to enter the Diabetes EXPO starting at 8:45 a.m. - See more at:

CWD Focus on Technology
Children with Diabetes presents Friends for Life Anaheim 2016. Join our group of world-renowned clinicians, researchers, physicians, adults, children, and families with diabetes to learn the most current information in diabetes care and support. Attend educational sessions and get cutting-edge diabetes management ideas. Participate in discussion groups, share your story, and help motivate and support others who walk in similar shoes. Watch toddlers and teens, college students and professionals, young parents and grandparents, new and practiced diabetes clinicians make new and lifelong friendships. This is a conference you won't ever forget!

ADA Expo--Houston, TX
EXPO Houston is FREE and has everything you need for healthy living. Get the latest information on all types of diabetes, preventing type 2 diabetes and its serious complications as well as managing diabetes to help keep you and your family healthy.
For one day only receive FREE screenings, personalized expert advice, healthy cooking demos and ground breaking tools and products for living well. Also, attend sessions with informative discussions from doctors and other health care providers specializing in diabetes from around the world.

AADE San Diego 2106
An event focused on the AADE membership. The Foundation will be talking Nightscout, OpenAPS and other efforst to the front line of defense, the Diabetes Educators.
EVERYTHING You Need to Know Before You Go...
We are pleased to be presenting at this year's CWD FFL 2016 conference in Orlando next week for three sessions (we will also have a booth). If you will be at the conference, please stop by and see us. We will be there to answer any and all questions that you may have.
Friends for Life International Conference, Orlando, Florida
One of the largest (if not the largest,) family-friendly events in Diabetes land. The Nightscout Foundation will have a booth and will be working to educate folks about Nightscout uses, upgrade existing setups or expand their usage, or just chat about the state of technology in the T1 world.
For more information and to register, visit: