You Could Say We've Been Busy

Scattershooting a little bit as we try to cover all the good stuff, all the REALLY good stuff, and all the other stuff you should be up to speed on. Where to begin?

Children with Diabetes, the UK Edition

With Weston's coordination, a group of six incredible volunteers presented Nightscout, xDrip, and all things CGM in the Cloud as part of the Children with Diabetes Friends for Life UK conference. A packed room and a real focus on the xDrip side as Share isn't available made for some incredible presentations and Wes even managed to get most of it on film! For the full details, check out this write-up from Kev Winchcombe's Circles of Blue blog. If you want to watch, you can find part one here, and part two here. (Those videos DO require you're part of the CGM in the Cloud Facebook group.)

Thank you, thank you, thank you to ALL the volunteers that gave up their weekends at the various CWD conferences this year. From Florida to Anaheim to Toronto to Windsor, it was incredible seeing and hearing the stories of how Nightscout and all its permutations are changing lives for the better, today. 

We Are Not Waiting, and Neither are They

This month, I had the pleasure of attending the #makehealth conference put on by Dr. Joyce Lee and her team at the University of Michigan. On Sunday, I got to witness first hand the incredible impact the maker movement is having on healthcare, above and beyond the Nightscout component. Projects focusing on mobility and communication really struck me, and every single one was presented by a maker that just wanted to make things better, not just make a profit. Look for the Diabeticons app in a mobile app store near you soon!

On Monday, I was joined by Weston and Ken Stack of to present our part of the greater Nightscout story and then discuss the good the bad and the ugly with a broader panel of professionals including Jose Gomez-Marquez from the MIT Little Devices Lab and Nate Heintzman of Dexcom. There is so much energy in this space, it's one of the few places in healthcare that doesn't make me frustrated, but inspires me to push and see what other folks are up to. 

Our involvement was part of the #makehealth movement in general, but was also proceeded by the announcement that Dr. Lee's team and The Nightscout Foundation had been selected for a Patient Centered Outcome Research Institute contract for the next two years. We'll be looking to explore how makers, social media, and the #WeAreNotWaiting movement have impacted individual results to date, as well as what more we can do to learn from the community that arisen around Nightscout. For more color around our #makehealth trip, check out the Twitter stream here

No, I Don't Get to Meet Nick Jonas

In other exciting news, the Nightscout Foundation was selected as one of a short list of grantees by Beyond Type 1. If you don't know, BT1, you should: 

"Our goal is to highlight the brilliance of those fighting this disease every day while always working toward ensuring a cure is on its way."

BT1 is aiming to raise $1 million dollars during Diabetes Awareness Month, and they'll then distribute those funds out to the grantees selected. How much that means to the Foundation, I'm not sure, but we submitted a project plan, and I look forward to implementing it with BT1's help

It's Time to Sign up for the Foundation Newsletter

Last month we tested out the communication available via the Nightcout Foundation newsletter to let people know of an important MongoLab update. In 2016, you'll see us use it as a monthly update, in many ways echoing this blog, but also bringing some things directly to our subscribers that might not be available elsewhere. Trust me, you want to be on that mailing list.... Sign up today by filling in the form here

Thanks for reading to the bottom. Thanks for your constant support of the broader Nightscout community and of the Foundation. 

We are always looking for what's next. Do you have a project that needs some support? Do you need computing or financial resources to change the T1 world today? Let me know. We are looking for ways to impact the broader community, and we'd love to help.


Skipping the obvious Eh Jokes....

From Wes' Facebook post: 

The CWD Friends For Life conference has just ended and thanks to the WONDERFUL Nightscout Faculty it was a HUGE success.


We all know the "Farnsworth Effect" at a conference, and this conference was no different. Kate picking up on a user in need and opening up her laptop is the direct equivalent to Superman seeing a citizen in distress and jumping into a phone booth. The end result is that Kate and Superman end up saving the day. (And remember that for Kate to sacrifice for our common good, Dave, Sydney & the rest of the family are sacrificing too.)

Having Rachel Sandlain at the conference was a double bonus as we now had two seasoned members from the "CGM in the Cloud" Support Team. The breadth of knowledge they both share as parent and young adult dealing with T1D allowed them to connect with everyone across the T1D spectrum at the conference.

Andrew Abramowicz & Matthew Longland also joined the faculty for this conference. With sheer gratitude I saw them pioneer the very first *major* xDrip2Nightscout presentation & install workshop. They not only hit a SOLID home run, they have set the bar very high for those that follow.


Without the benefit of the (now year old) 505 firmware upgrade, without the Share Cradle, without the Share2 receiver & without the G5, Canada has been ‪#‎LeftWaiting‬ by the medical industry.

ENTER xDrip2Nightscout...

Many parents had tears in their eyes as they spoke of the positive impact Nightscout has had for them. With our ever present booth & Faculty, family after family was made aware that Nightscout ‪#‎WasNotWaiting‬ and that the medical therapies they had been denied due to whatever reason could now be had through the xDrip2Nightscout solution.


And as stated in a different post, last but never least is the ever wonderful Mr. John Costik. John recently said "I don't mind pedestals as long as there's room for everyone." Well, it's time to put John on the pedestal he built for all the rest of us (and let us not forget his family). Thank you Laura, thank you Sarah & thank you Evan Michael Costik. Thank you Costik family for all the sacrifices you have made for our common good, you guys are FANTASTIC!


In just a few hours I'm off to the University of Michigan to present with James Wedding at the Nightscout Symposium in Ann Arbor, Michigan with Dr. Joyce Lee & Ken Stack from our group. The story will be similar, the presenters will be different and the audience will be new.

This upcoming weekend we will be in the UK for CWD FFL-UK 2015. A new audience, new presenters, new workshop & the same Nightscout spirit that ties us all together.

So here's to another family & another individual discovering the power of Nightscout. If you remember how this system changed your life and continues to enhance your life on a daily basis, then you realize that someone battling T1D is about to have a little more hope, a little more respite and a little bit more peace of mind...because ‪#‎WeAreNotWaiting‬ to reach as many as possible : )