The Springtime Rundown

You know, someone really should remind me to write more often, then these wouldn't be so long. So, since I'm doing this on Mother's Day, and while Melinda is indulging in a nap, let's get to it!

Community is Everything

There are over 17,000 members of the CGM in the Cloud Facebook group. Seventeen. Thousand. I grew up in a town that was barely half that size. Seventeen thousand people all fighting the good fight to make T1 suck less for themselves, for a friend, for their spouse, or their child. It's an amazing community, but it's even more amazing when you get the chance to share a smile with some of the members and share a beer with some more. One of the best places to do that is at a Children with Diabetes Conference.

Children with Diabetes Friends for Life, Falls Church


In April, we had the fortune of attending one of my favorite Type 1 related events, a Children with Diabetes conference. This time we were in Falls Church, Virginia just outside of DC. After a lively evening welcome reception, the weekend was full of great information from the Bionic Pancreas team, Open APS discussions with Rachel Sandlain, an incredible  panel discussion with representatives from across the spectrum, and of course, a Nightscout workshop to answer questions and get people up and running. Wes wrote a couple of great write-ups, you should check them out on the CGM in the Cloud group: Day 1, and Day 2. Also, be sure to check out the great videos from the event. We experimented with both Periscope from Twitter and Facebook broadcasting. I think you'll see a LOT more Facebook video in the future!

Children with Diabetes Friends for Life, Orlando

This summer, the Foundation will also be running a booth and workshop at the larger CWD Friends for Life conference in Orlando, Florida. We'll have all the usual suspects, including members of our INCREDIBLE tech support staff on hand, and we'll be giving away some great prizes and swag for folks stopping by. Perhaps more importantly, we'll also be kicking off the Patient Centered Outcome and Research Institute project with Dr. Joyce Lee on Tuesday afternoon. This is your chance to be part of an incredible project, and I hope you'll take the opportunity to influence this team's research. And of course, we'll be looking to overtake last year's record for the most Pebble watches in one picture during this event! Register here. Do it today, the hotels fill fast!

Enabling Brilliance

We created the Foundation with a core goal of supporting open source projects that are related to T1. One way we can do that is delivering resources to people that need them, and I'm happy to announce two new ways we hope we can help the broader community:

Nightscout Foundation Scholarship 

Scholarship Applications are OPEN. Please visit the Resources-Scholarship page here on the blog to get yourself or your student in the application process. The requirements are spelled out on that page, and we hope that you'll find the application simple and easy. If you have feedback, please let our Scholarship Chair, Gail deVore, know. You can drop her a line at gail@ this domain. 

Community Resources

Buy maybe you don't NEED a scholarship? You need a programming class? Or a soldering iron? Access to an Apple Developer license? A stack of virtual machines so you can test out your amazing new pumping algorithm? Pizza and beer for an xDrip build party? We want to enable your brilliance! Jump to the Resource Request page and let us know how we can help. 

We Need Your Help


Of course, all of these things cost money. We're finally getting the systems in place to deliver more resources out to the community, and we want to do more. The entirety of the Nightscout Foundation is volunteers and donations. If you can help out, please let us know. You can email me, james@ this domain, or donate here. 

As always, thanks for getting to the bottom, and thanks for being part of the incredible Nightscout Community!